Welcom to my web site have fun...            ......"ROGER"........Welcom to my web site have fun...            ......"ROGER"........

Monday, November 26, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

roger cañete

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The act of pulling, or attracting.

The act or the art of representing any object by means of lines and shades; especially, such a representation when in one color, or in tints used not to represent the colors of natural objects, but for effect only, and produced with hard material such as pencil, chalk, etc.; delineation; also, the figure or representation drawn.

The process of stretching or spreading metals as by hammering, or, as in forming wire from rods or tubes and cups from sheet metal, by pulling them through dies.

The process of pulling out and elongating the sliver from the carding machine, by revolving rollers, to prepare it for spinning.

The distribution of prizes and blanks in a lottery.

A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors.
A slender cylinder or strip of black lead, colored chalk, slate etc., or such a cylinder or strip inserted in a small wooden rod intended to be pointed, or in a case, which forms a handle, -- used for drawing or writing. See Graphite.
Hence, figuratively, an artist's ability or peculiar manner; also, in general, the act or occupation of the artist, descriptive writer, etc.
An aggregate or collection of rays of light, especially when diverging from, or converging to, a point.
A number of lines that intersect in one point, the point of intersection being called the pencil point.
A small medicated bougie.
To write or mark with a pencil; to paint or to draw.

"I could draw Bloom County with my nose and pay my cleaning lady to write it, and I'd bet I wouldn't lose 10 % of my papers over the next twenty years. Such is the nature of comic-strips. Once established, their half-life is usually more than nuclear waste."

"In the final analysis, a drawing simply is no longer a drawing, no matter how self-sufficient its execution may be. It is a symbol, and the more profoundly the imaginary lines of projection meet higher dimensions, the better."

"There is a relationship between cartooning and people like Mir? and Picasso which may not be understood by the cartoonist, but it definitely is related even in the early Disney."

"Matisse makes a drawing, then he makes a copy of it. He recopies it five times, ten times, always clarifying the line. He's convinced that the last, the most stripped down, is the best, the purest, the definitive one; and in fact, most of the time, it was the first. In drawing, nothing is better than the first attempt."

"My drawings have been described as pre-internationalist, meaning that they were finished before the ideas for them had occurred to me. I shall not argue the point."

"A drawing is always dragged down to the level of its caption."

Kuya kiko

'The reduction of a head in movement to a bare line seemed to me defensible' - Marcel Duchamp
'Imagine arabesques or various types of linear involutions unwinding themselves not on a flat surface but in space, with all that which the deep and indeterminate limits of th sky can offer the spirit; imagine the play of their lines projecting upon and combining with the most diverse elements imaginable, including that of the human face...' - Olidon Redon
'A work of art goes through many phases of development, but in each phase it is always a work of art. (Therein lies the importance of sketches.) A work of art is finished, from the point of view of the artist, when feeling and perception have resulted in a spiritual synthesis.

Hi!!! hehehe..
tkere alwayz..
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